Sic Code for Law Office

Sic Code for Law Office

Standard Industrial Classification codes – or SIC codes for short – are assigned to all enterprises. These 4-digit codes are then used by government agencies, marketing companies, banks, academics, and entrepreneurs to understand and analyze the type of work a company is involved in. The types of businesses that use SIC code 8111 may include lawyers, lawyers, consultants, and other legal services. Find industry codes related to SIC code 8111. These include general liability, NAICS, and State Class and NCCI codes. Learn more about this Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and its general responsibility codes, the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) and the Standard Industrial Classification (NAICS). *Notary Office (54112, notary office); and *Paralegal offices, excluding law firms and notaries (54119, Other Legal Services). *Law firms (54111, law firms); and *Notary offices (54112, notary office). *Notary offices that perform activities such as taking oaths, affidavits and declarations, and certifying and certifying signatures on documents, but are not authorized to draft and approve legal documents and contracts (54119, Other Legal Services). *Paralegal firms, except lawyers and notaries (54119, Other Legal Services); and the SIC Code for Law Firms in Code SIC 8111 – Legal Services. SIC code 8111 – Law firms. Learn more about SIC 8111 in the service sector and its general responsibility codes, NCCI and NAICS.

Law firms belong to the main group 81 – all SIC codes for this industry start with these figures. You can then learn more about the type of business by looking at the latest figures. The SIC code 8111 is used by the Legal Department. When starting a new business, you need to find the smartest way to pay suppliers and employees and manage your money on the go. Request more information about SIC Code 811102 – Specialized Law Firms, Lawyer Mailing List The description for Code SIC 8111 – Law firms in the service sector is:. To purchase the SIC code 811102 – Specialized law firms, lawyers mailing list, select “BUY THIS LIST”, then select the quantity. Select “GET NUMBER” if you prefer to be contacted by a sales representative. Fields included in all business lists: Contact Name, Title, Phone Number, if applicable, and Email addresses, if applicable.

Looking for SIC code 8111 – law firms? The SIC code of the Standard Industrial Classification for law firms in services is 8111. The corresponding GL class codes for SIC 8111 – Law Firms are as follows: The SIC Code 811102 mailing list is the ideal choice for professionals working in the specialized law firm and legal industry. These B2B leads are often decision-makers and have a high rank in their company (C level, VP level, managers and directors). Take your marketing a step further – reduce your target market by more than SIC 811102. Add choices like a specific job title, geographic location, income, and more to ensure you`re reaching the most qualified people. Whatever your plans, this data caters to a variety of direct marketing needs, including postal mail, telemarketing calls, or email marketing deployments. We also offer email marketing services and may send to your mailing list on your behalf. Wise Business gives you a free business card for simple expenses and can work up to 19x cheaper than with an alternative like PayPal.

You can hold several currencies in the same account and pay invoices in several currencies for a small fee, allowing you to pay suppliers in Switzerland and abroad. Going Borderless also offers features like Xero integration, an open API, and batch payment options, so you can spend less time on your books and more time on your business. Simplify managing your business finances with a Wise Business account. Low fees, smart tools to save time, and easy access to your money on the go. There are 20 unique categories in the legal industry, including 26 specializations that can be set up for a specific list of businesses. Specialization includes copyright, immigration, antitrust licensing, appeals, bank bodily injury, bankruptcy, civil law, corporate affairs, arbitration, social security, Medicare-Medicaid, tax, real estate, product liability, trademarks, litigation, labor relations, insurance, patents, government, family law, civil rights, estate planning, environment and criminal justice. For marketing and business targeting, SIC codes have been enhanced to provide more accurate classifications in SIC code 8111 – Legal Services. Advanced SIC codes are continuously updated to reflect the current business environment.

Establishments managed by members of the Bar Association which mainly provide legal advice or services.

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