Legal Words Starting with J

Legal Words Starting with J

Continuation: Temporary suspension or postponement of legal proceedings. Hidden defect: A defect in a product or premises that is not easily observable or recognizable, even with normal care. Unjust enrichment: The doctrine that a person should not be allowed to improperly obtain or use another person`s actions and efforts without compensation. For cause: with sufficient legal justification to take action. Remedies: recourse to damages or enforcement of legal action. Paralegal: A person who is trained for various legal tasks but is not licensed to practise law. Product liability: An area of law that deals with the liability of manufacturers or sellers of goods that cause harm or injury to consumers. An X-ray is a useful diagnostic tool for visualizing body structures. However, X-rays are limited compared to other sophisticated images that are now available. However, X-rays are a great place to start.

The most common application of radiography is the diagnosis of fractures and dislocations, certain tumors, tuberculosis, osteoarthritis and other structural abnormalities. Privacy right: A universally recognized right to be left alone and to live one`s life free from unwarranted advertising or interference. The interference with the right to privacy may give rise to a cause of action or tort. The murder of a human being without criminal intent. There can be no criminal responsibility for such murder. Examples are self-defense and insanity. The patient is injected with tiny positrons that make it visible to a computer that the brain is working when it uses or does not use glucose or sugar properly. Suspension: Temporary suspension of legal proceedings by court order.

Factor: A person entrusted with the possession of goods for sale on behalf of letter carriers. A postman is someone who receives goods from a client and sells them for a commission. The FindLaw Legal Dictionary – free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries. Fast Track: The rule of law, which stems from the 6th century. Amendments to the U.S. Constitution or state constitutions requiring that a person accused of a crime be released if law enforcement fails to bring the person to trial within specified time frames. Informed consent: Consent after full disclosure of constitutional and other legal rights that affect whether consent is given. Incapacity: Lack of sufficient legal, physical or intellectual strength to perform an action.

Other advantages of CT scans include its cost-effectiveness (compared to MRI) and its ability to distinguish soft tissue lesions regardless of structures adjacent to the image itself. Expert witness: A witness with trained training or experience who is authorized to testify in a legal proceeding. Long-gun status: Law that allows residents of different states to conduct and prosecute in the forum state on the basis of contacts with the forum state. Limitation period: The law that sets the time within which a claim must be filed and after which it is forever barred. If you need help defining a legal word or phrase, visit FindLaw`s legal dictionary for free access to over 8,000 definitions of legal terms. Or just wait until next Sunday, when Legalese, from A to Z, breaks down five other legal terms you may not be familiar with, starting with the letter “K.” The Spanish Consumer Legal Website #1 Ex Post Facto: After the facto; A law that is enacted after the performance of an act and that makes it retroactively illegal. Such laws are prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. Rejection: rejection of an application or action, temporarily or permanently, without further hearing or review by means of a decision to dismiss.

Known as legal language, these legal words and phrases can often seem obscure or too complex, but that`s why we`re here. Our ongoing series Legal jargon from A to Z breaks down these words letter by letter. This week, we will look at some legal terms that begin with the letter “J”: Guardian: A person who has been given custody and control of a ward`s person or property by law. Contributory negligence: The doctrine that a person cannot obtain compensation for bodily injury if his negligence contributed to the cause of the injury. This doctrine has largely been replaced by the doctrine of comparative negligence. A federal and state crime in which the outcome of a criminal trial is intentionally and unlawfully influenced by direct or indirect contact with a juror. Case law: The collective legal system, including jurisprudence; the philosophy of law. At, we pride ourselves on being the leading source of free legal information and resources on the Internet. Contact us.

Gross negligence: An act of negligence committed intentionally or intentionally with conscious indifference to the consequences. Legal issue: Controversial point of law subject to a court decision. Whiplash: A soft tissue injury to the neck or back usually associated with rear-end collisions. The patient is injected with positrons and then, once the positrons have become effective, glucose is administered by intravenous infusion. When sugar reaches the brain, the analysis measures normal patterns of abnormal use. Affirmative defence: A written defence of a lawsuit that does not formally contest certain claims in a complaint, but alleges that the plaintiff is not entitled to a judgment based on legal or fair principles, even if the allegations are true. Unless otherwise noted, this article was written by Lloyd Duhaime, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer and lawyer (and notary!). This is not legal advice and you would be foolhardy to rely on it in relation to a particular situation you or an acquaintance is facing. In addition, the law changes quickly and sometimes without notice, so from time to time an article may not be up to date.

Therefore, it is only legal information intended to enlighten the reader. If you have a real situation, this information serves as a good springboard to get legal advice from a lawyer. Execute: To complete a legal document, such as by signing it. Representative: One who acts with the permission of another; an agent. Sua Sponte: An act of the court of its own accord, without any request from either party. Still looking for definitions? Save time with our search engine (modern browsers only) Immunity: Exempting a witness from prosecution to force answers to questions that might otherwise be denied due to the constitutional privilege of self-incrimination. Clause: A paragraph or subdivision of a legal document, such as a contract. If you find an error or omission in Duhaime`s law dictionary, or if you have a suggestion for a legal term, we`d love to hear from you! Judge Advocate: An officer of a court martial who may act as a clerk, prosecutor and/or legal counsel to the court. Lawyer: A person who provides legal advice, assistance or reasoning on behalf of a party before a court or tribunal; a lawyer. Strict liability: liability that arises without prior proof of fault or negligence. For example, many states impose strict liability on pet owners who cause damage or injury.

Malicious Law Enforcement: A lawsuit brought without probable cause or legal justification to harass a defendant. Free and reliable legal information for consumers and legal professionals Consolidate: Merge into multiple lawsuits with identical parties or issues. When PET scan correlates with neuropsychological test results, it becomes an effective diagnostic tool that objectively defines abnormal brain function. Stare Dicisis: The general rule that courts respect previous decisions and precedents and apply the same principles in each case. Breach of contract: Failure to comply with a contractual obligation without legal excuse. Nationwide Bar Directory and Legal Consumer Resources Civil Rights: The right to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, including constitutional rights such as freedom of expression and religion, without discrimination in treatment on the basis of race, colour, sex, age, religion, previous servitude or national origin. Standard of care: What a reasonably prudent person would do in the same circumstances. Failure to meet the standard of care will result in a party`s liability for damages caused to an injured party. Fiduciary: A person in a position of trust who has a duty to act responsibly with respect to the money or property of others; a trustee; a person who acts in or in a fiduciary relationship.

Ex parte: Request or communication to the court without notice and outside the presence of an opposing party. Ex parte communications are prohibited. Indispensable party: A person who has an interest in the subject matter of a dispute such that a final judgment cannot be rendered or rendered without that person being a party to the dispute. Are you a lawyer? Visit our professional website » Time is crucial: a contractual clause that establishes the execution time and defines the time as critical, so that non-performance within this period constitutes a defect. Testimony: The testimony of a witness or party under oath in a judicial proceeding or testimony.

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