What Is the Definition of Waddle

What Is the Definition of Waddle

One of them had a small ear in his beak and waddled quickly while the rest of the herd ran after him. Ducks aren`t the only animals known to waddle. Penguins with their tiny little feet can waddle on the ice, although they move gracefully through the water. If your booth is uncertain, you can also waddle a little if you proceed carefully. Do not confuse waddling with basketry. A basketry is the piece of red meat that hangs from the neck of turkeys and chickens. The wattles waddle back and forth while the birds waddle. All waddling ducks; Divers and alks walk as if bound and stand on their tails: these are Linnæus` compedes. This fact can be confirmed by standing on every street corner in every city in the country and watching Americans waddle. As I return to the car, I look up and watch the elderly slowly waddle towards a nearby building to find shelter. Very fat people waddle when they leave, although few of them realize it. A duck walk is a waddle. To imitate it, move your feet away from each other and take short, awkward steps that make you swing dangerously from side to side.

Corey seemed to prick his ears and quickly began waddling towards the entrance. His gait, in all his exercises, was the cumbersome waddling of the rustic scene. Increase your test score with programs developed by Vocabulary.com experts.

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