Good Ideas for News Articles

Good Ideas for News Articles

The old saying goes: time is money. But for most freelancers, one of the hardest and most time-consuming parts of the business is coming up with timely ideas that entice publishers to attribute stories. That`s why we`ve found 20 ways to generate ideas for saleable items in less than 20 minutes each. Some come from personal experience, while others require a quick search online or in specialized or mainstream publications. Still others are new interpretations of classic ideas – sometimes all you need is a new angle. Ready to get started? Take a pen and paper. Here we go! 20. Read the official reports to see the latest trends. Consult the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (, Federal Communications Commission (, and the United States.

Census Bureau ( for facts, figures and breaking news for story ideas. Visit for the latest breakthroughs in medicine, physics, technology and more. You know I love podcasts, and while I mostly listen to podcasts about writing or entrepreneurship (hopefully it rubs off on me), there are so many podcasts out there that can spark great ideas. 9. Search Amazon for the latest books on topics that interest you. Select a book and browse the list of chapters to find ideas for articles that you can give new tilts and angles. Bestseller lists are a great way to determine what`s current and interesting to people at any given time. Thanks Lindy, that helps! I was surprised because I keep an eye on local media and events where I live in Spain and my city hosts a really cool tapas event for most of November.

I thought about presenting an article about this event in international markets, but I didn`t know if it would be acceptable to use quotes from the mayor of the city that were used in the local press in Spanish (of course, I would translate them into English). But if I can include links to the articles with the original quotes, then that would be great! Thanks again 🙂 19. Choose any topic, such as technology. Now, generate ideas on this topic for various magazines. For example, I could use technology to try to come up with ideas for women`s magazines, youth magazines, relationship magazines, or maybe even business magazines. Better yet, be really specific. Think about topics such as taxes, solar energy, or smartphones. What can you tell readers of a relationship magazine about smartphones? Reader of a business magazine? A personal financial publication? Amazon, Book Depository, and other online bookstores can be a great place to find story ideas. Whether you`re writing blogs, fiction, essays, or creating content for another platform, I`ve got you covered. In this article, you`ll learn tips, strategies, and some tools for coming up with writing ideas. In this workshop, you will work with a published article author to develop, research and write two articles likely to be published in journals that you have identified as suitable markets.

You will receive feedback from your instructor on your first and second drafts of your two articles. Write articles about local news. You may even be able to interview the mayor, city council, and other city or county officials. If you write about local news, make sure it relates in some way to the students in your school. The sports section allows journalists to record individual and team successes, such as swimmers` entry into state finals. The characteristics of the sport could focus on training and preparation techniques. Individual stories, such as a student becoming a karate teacher, would fit well into this section. Comments that predict success and evaluate the competition are appropriate in this section.

Inspiring stories of local sports heroes would also be of interest to students. Sports stories can also include interesting stories about the school mascot or certain sports team events with school rivalries. When I pitched my ideas to my editor at Foundr magazine, she gave me some helpful tips for finding new writing topics if you get stuck. She suggested attacking “more focused topics” rather than general ones: there are fantastic daily or weekly alerts you can subscribe to, keeping you up to date on what`s happening in a particular area, or even more generally about the news cycle. 12. Test expert advice and theories to solve problems. For example, pick 10 of the most popular diets currently available and talk to dietitians to see if they really stand up to scientific analysis. Or in your own marriage, try all the relationship advice from books that just hit the market and see how they hold up in real life. Browse bestseller lists for ideas for these stories. The tool is a goldmine for bloggers and content creators who want to come up with proven data-driven content ideas.

I also use the Evernote Chrome extension to crop items I find interesting. The software automatically selects a notepad for all the pages you save, although its categorization may be incorrect. I can add my comment to any recorded item and refer to it later for inspiration. It is also possible to take screenshots of web pages and comment on them via Skitch. But the truth is, it`s easy to get overwhelmed by the news cycle and feel like you don`t know what to add again. Digital media brands and web publishers are aware of the importance of new articles, especially news stories. This content attracts and captivates an audience; They inform, entertain, provoke and encourage readers to provoke reactions. Viafoura offers a fantastic selection of software options that allow readers to share their thoughts and chat, leading to community development and brand investment.

But without an interesting and engaging stream of content, it`s unlikely that your audience will stay long enough for all of this. Most of your audience would love to hear about distant lands and stories about different cultures or ways of life. That`s why international stories are fantastic ideas for news articles. They can bring a bit of exotic flavor to the content they read, which is a great way to get people talking, chatting, and sharing their own experiences in your community space. Of course, using international stories for news article ideas requires you to sponsor your writers for some globetrotters, which may not be within your abilities – but we highly recommend giving it a try! 15. Choose any topic (agriculture, education, engineering, neuroscience, community service) and do a quick Google search to see how technology is changing these fields and what new technologies are on the horizon. Sign up for e-newsletters related to these industries to stay up to date on new research for future articles. Then write about them. I just thought to Claire that newspapers like The Guardian have a sustainable business part –, tell me how you`re doing! I`m sorry to tell you, but they have no secrets.

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